Gemeinsam gegen

Gemeinsam gegen Corona


Verhaltensregeln und Hygienemaßnahmen

Update vom 18.01.2022


Auf Basis der Coronavirus-Schutzverordnung (CoSchuV) des Landes Hessen vom 28.12.2021

Für einen Besuch im CycleFit Europe reicht es derzeit nicht aus, genesen oder geimpft zu sein. Als zusätzliches “Plus” ist einer der folgenden Nachweise zu erbringen:

  • Negatives Testergebnis: Der Test muss an einer offiziellen Teststation erfolgt sein. Das Testergebnis darf nicht älter als 24 Stunden sein. Ein Antigen-Schnelltest ist dabei ausreichend. Personen unter 18 Jahre können das Testheft aus der Schule als Nachweis vorlegen.
  • Booster-Impfung: Die dritte Auffrischungsimpfung gegen das Corona-Virus muss bereits erfolgt sein. Der Impfstatus ist anhand des Impfpasses oder eines (digitalen) COVID-Zertifikats nachzuweisen.
  • So sehr wir uns auch immer über Besuch freuen, möchten wir Sie bitten, zu Ihrem Termin ohne Begleitpersonen zu kommen und die CycleFit Europe Verhaltensregeln und Hygienemaßnahmen gegen Corona zu beachten.

Gesundheit und Fitness – CycleFit Europe

CycleFit Europe arbeitet täglich mit Herzblut für eine aktivere und gesündere Welt. Wie wichtig Gesundheit und Fitness ist, macht die aktuelle Situation deutlich. Wir sehen es als unsere gesellschaftliche Verantwortung an, unseren Beitrag zur allgemeinen Gesundheit und zur Eindämmung und Bewältigung des Coronavirus zu leisten.

Im CycleFit Europe wurden die bisherigen sehr hohen Hygienemaßnahmen noch einmal erhöht und das Infektionsschutzkonzept ausgeweitet.

Eindämmen der Corona-Pandemie zu befolgen

In unser aller Interesse möchten wir auch Sie bitten, die folgenden Verhaltensregeln zum Eindämmen der Corona-Pandemie zu befolgen:

  • Fühlen Sie sich krank oder leiden Sie unter akuten Atemwegsbeschwerden oder unspezifischen Allgemeinsymptomen wie Husten, Fieber, Schnupfen und Störung des Geruchs- und/oder Geschmackssinns sowie Abgeschlagenheit und Gliederschmerzen, dann benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte rechtzeitig und verschieben Sie Ihren Termin.
  • So sehr wir uns auch immer über Besuch freuen, möchten wir Sie bitten, zu Ihrem Termin ohne Begleitpersonen zu kommen.
  • Beim Zutritt ins CycleFit Europe und während Ihres Termines tragen Sie bitte eine medizinische Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung.
  • Wir verzichten (schweren Herzens) aufs Händeschütteln und schenken Ihnen zur Begrüßung unser Lächeln.
  • Wir halten Abstand, sind aber für Sie da!
  • Bitte halten auch Sie Abstand.
  • Der Mindestabstand von 1,5 Metern ist jedoch nicht für alle Schritte unserer Dienstleistungen möglich. In diesem Fällen ist ein Schutz durch das dauerhafte Tragen von medizinischen Masken gewährleistet.
  • Bitte waschen Sie sich gründlich die Hände nach Ihrer Ankunft im CycleFit Europe und nutzen Sie die bereitgestellte Handdesinfektion.
  • Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass nur eine kontaktlose Bezahlung mit EC-Karte möglich ist.

My Services

Customers about Cyclefit Europe

CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Timo FFM
08:49 27 Oct 22
I had a very special bike fitting experience with Lloyd. After an evaluation of my problems (knee, back, numb hands/toes) and my goals we did a video analysis to adjust all parameters at my bike. But Lloyd also put a strong focus on my specific body characteristics (flexibility, strength etc.) and defined a personal pre-ride routine for me. Due to a length difference in one leg we also fitted my shoes and the pain in my knee is gone since then! 🙂 With the additional pressure analysis of my saddle, we identified an issue with my contact to the saddle. It ended up in getting a new saddle and not having any problems with long rides anymore. Overall a perfect fitting experience, especially as I was able to return to do some fine tuning after a few rides. Will be back with my next bike for sure - highly recommended!
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
19:43 19 Jul 22
Best Bikefitter. Different Bikes over years. Never enjoyed cycling more.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Hannah Ludwig
17:22 30 Jun 22
Always a lovely place to come to. Lloyd really knows what he is doing. Perfect place to get comfortable and fast on the bike for literally anyone.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Raoul Boya
10:53 06 Oct 21
Great service, great guy! Would always recommend his services. Lloyd was a big help in setting up my bike. Very professional and pragmatic.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Sven B.
21:16 23 Jul 21
Worldclass! It is great to see that people live and feel the biking spirit. I got an amazing setup that got adjusted by pure knowledge. It feels great and made me faster and more comfortable on the bike.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Gravel89 -
21:39 27 Jun 21
I cannot recommend at all this "professional" bike fitting: I needed to setup my bike due to a pain in my front knee and my saddle was raised 3 cm. The new bike setting caused me from the first ride a back knee pain which developed later into inflammation.I did not get any customer support from Llyod. I tried to contact him several times but he just disappeared...I wasted many weeks of biking to recover my knee and a lot of money for a very bad bikefitting service as well.No recommendation at all!Update to my previous feedback:1- I booked the appointment (17.03.2021 at 09.00 am - in person) using this email.2 - there is no misunderstanding, your customer service is poor: I tried to contact you several times (via phone and messages) and I did not receive any answer. I reported the problem to you the same day.3- I never received the measurements of my bike.I am not going to schedule a second appointment.My experience with you has been negative.I will seek out other specialists.Kind Regards.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Andre Limmeroth
07:57 13 Jun 21
Absolutely mind blown…I would have never expected the positive impact the fit has had on my riding. Not only was Lloyd an absolute pro and awesome human being. The expertise he brings to the table is just tremendous.My power output has increased massively after the fit, but this is actually just secondary to the amazing feeling on the bike. It really feels effortless and comfortable compared to before.Would recommend 10000%!I will definitely return on a regular basis to check for changes and adapt to them.Thanks Lloyd it has been an absolute blast.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Philip McPhee
11:14 11 Jun 21
Was my second time at cyclefit and for sure not the last. Lloyd knows what he's talking about and makes you feel very welcome. You always leave with a smile on your face, better informed and with a world-class bike fit as well.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Jorge Lamantia
03:04 26 Nov 20
Incredible virtual bike fit experience! Lloyd took time to understand my specific needs and concerns, and made sure I was content and comfortable with the adjusted fit! He also provided great learning resources to further enhance my training off the bike. Amazing experience, highly recommend!
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Kim Posvic
17:12 23 Nov 20
I had a great experience with my bike fitting. Lloyd Thomas was very thorough and professional. What I really appreciated was he explained the "why" as he was going through the settings on the bike. I would highly recommend!
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Darlene Sargent-Murphy
22:29 16 Nov 20
Lloyd was very knowledgeable. My fitting was done over zoom, Lloyd in Germany, I am in the US. He was able to see which muscles are a bit weaker than others and had me reposition by cleats to help. He also had me adjust my bike seat and handlebar position. I can really feel the difference in my pedal stroke and it is so much smoother when I am out of saddle. I would strongly recommend a bike fit with Lloyd.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Stuart Bayne
08:25 12 Nov 20
I had a virtual bike fit with LLoyd the other week and was very impressed by his expertise and easy going manner. My cadence and power have been improved but more important the feel of the bike stoke. I would recommend Lloyd without question.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Nancy Lord
01:08 10 Nov 20
I purchased a Peloton bike back in August and I wish I would have contacted Lloyd that day for a fitting. Lloyd took the time to not only fit my bike and help me correctly position my cleats but he also shared useful information to make my rides even more efficient and enjoyable. My new settings are perfect and can't believe how much more enjoyable my rides are now. Lloyd is happy to share his wealth of cycling experience and knowledge and answer any question you might have. Highly recommended for fitting your indoor or outdoor bike. Best money I've spent since purchasing my Peloton.
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Judy Deemer
00:02 08 Nov 20
I had a virtual bike fitting with Lloyd for the Peloton bike. He was easy to work with and knowledgeable. From start to finish, you can tell he has worked with professional cyclists.I had been having hip flexor pain for months. After preliminary adjustments, I was able to ride during the fitting without pain! He continued to work with me and adjusted nearly all my settings so that I can work efficiently. After our session, he sent me additional information including equipment and exercises. I highly recommend!
CycleFit Europe - Bike Fitting Bensheim
Shelley Felton
16:56 27 Oct 20
I was so pleased with how thorough this service provided. It was so much more than sitting on the bike and adjusting. I was skeptical about a virtual fit but it was very well done and effective. I recommend this to any type of rider and definitely as soon as you begin riding. Just one ride after the adjustment and my hip and knee feel so much better. Lloyd’s knowledge is very apparent in the first 5 minutes. Very worth the cost.
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